EGO is the enemy!

Read this TWICE!

What  you HATE in others is something you deep down HATE in yourself (or maybe HATED in past)

Learn to let go of HATE, instead replace it with understanding. Understand that your EGO talks to your more often than your conscience.

Understand it’s not their mistake, they are saying or doing what society has taught them, it’s all part of a defense mechanism to protect their fragile sense of self, which society has pushed upon them.

Now, Why is the EGO so loud, why is your conscience not guiding your thoughts and actions?

It all comes down to practice, the society since the time we are born rewards our EGO more than it rewards our conscience. 

When a baby is born, their default physical reaction is to CRY, whenever they need milk, need attention, need to poop and thousand other things. Now crying loud is a very selfish act in my opinion. You disregard all your surroundings to get the focus on YOU.

A baby’s crying ACT is instantly rewarded with tons of attention from his parents and he/she grows up believing this is the way of life. Our EGO is nurtured day in/day out by social media nowadays, anytime we post something, we get bombarded with views, likes and what not.

In reality we are all just big babies desperately CRYING for attention. As soon as we get rewarded for it, the vicious cycle of EGO gratification continues.

Now how would you leave the trap of EGO and act from conscience. It’s very simple, but not easy. Acting from conscience is a practice and practice takes time.

Next time you feel your EGO taking a front seat, take 3 deep breaths and think would you rather ACT like a fucking big CRYING baby or would you rather be mature about the situation and ACT like an adult.

Until next time, see ya!


About the author

I am really good at making complex things sound simple. Started as an App Developer, turned into a Business Guy but always being an Entrepreneur.