Don’t pray for easy lives, strive to be stronger men

“A nation is born stoic and dies epicurean” – Will durant

2020 is gonna be an incredibly hard year for a lot of us, we would be pushed to our limits and that’s a good thing!

Read the post below to understand why….

We as a collective have become a society of entitled little pricks who just want a hand out.

It’s sad and pathetic, most people look upon rich as they are evil.

There was a quote going around “You don’t make a billion dollars, you take a billion dollars”

I mean how fucking weak is this sentence, you are hating on a person for being successful.

It’s the LAW of the universe, you will never become something that you don’t truely admire! 

We have become a society of ‘victims’, devoid of ownership whatsoever. All the tragedies in our lives are someone else’s doing. Fuck trying to correct our behaviour, let’s just blame the society, the government, the rich for all our problems.

I mean where does it even stop, does looting the rich people of wealth and distributing among everyone solves the problem. Will it? Humans operate for rewards, when the reward isn’t there, why the fuck would anyone work hard. Most people nowadays struggle for survival, because they want life on easy mode.

They can’t digest the reality that nature doesn’t give a fuck about them, if you are weak, you will be wiped out from the gene pool. That’s the law of nature and that has been for millions of years.

You can’t expect a man-eater to be nice to you when you face him in jungle, your government won’t save you, your plead for equality won’t save you, your crying little bitchy face won’t save you. Only thing that will save you is your strength and quick thinking.

We men like to blame Feminism, it’s the buzz word now. Let’s blame the feminists. Now why the fuck did feminism became so prominent in last 100 years, why? Men have forgotten what it means to be a man, fuck taking responsibility, fuck being resourceful, fuck being strong.

We would rather bitch and moan on how our bosses are so rude and mean. We would rather watch reality shows and drown ourselves in alcohol and weed. Let’s escape the reality, let’s watch porn. Let’s watch news, let’s inject ourselves with heroine and meth and what not. 

Fuck this, fuck being a VICTIM goddamit, feminism is nothing but nature self correcting itself. Women are coming to power because they have lost TRUST in men, they feel betrayed, they are tired of dealing with man-child!

You can’t make somebody respect you by condemning them, you have to become a respectable person. It won’t happen in 1 year, it won’t happen in 5 years, it might not even happen in 10 years but men have to start acting like men again otherwise we risk loosing all the progress we have made.

Nations are not build on emotions, stop fucking around in a circle-jerk trying to gain sympathy from other weak men. Rise up, i know it’s difficult, i know it hurts but you don’t have a choice son. Nature will wipe you out if you are weak, the only way is the way of the strong.

You are stronger than you give yourself credit for, your genes have survived for millions of years while many species were wiped out. You are capable of facing any danger that awaits you, you are equipped with millions of years of evolutionary power.

Striving for equality instantly puts you in a weaker mindset because you are admitting you are not equal. You don’t strive for what you already have. Life isn’t fair, it never was, it never will be. 

Ask about being fair from a mama deer who lost her fawn in a tiger chase. Nature is brutal, nature doesn’t care about your feelings, nature doesn’t care about your age, gender or sex.

When humans strive for equality, we are striving to become weak. Universe is vast and it would be stupid to assume we are the only living planet. What if a species stronger than us enters our atmosphere, the apex predators, would you ask them for mercy, would you ask them for equality.

You will be wiped out, plain and simple. Becoming strong is the only immunity you have against any of the bullshit that life will throw at you. Accept that the only way to survive in this universe if the way of the strong.

That’s enough rant from me today, i would leave you with a quote from john f kennedy.

“Don’t pray for easy lives pray to be stronger man”

About the author

I am really good at making complex things sound simple. Started as an App Developer, turned into a Business Guy but always being an Entrepreneur.