Fuck Equality.

Continuing from my previous post Don’t pray for easy lives, strive to be stronger men

My last article was directed towards men but this one is directed towards women. It’s super funny when i see people striving for Equality. The concept of Equality is very new and it comes from a place of epicurean idea of existence. Let’s just agree we are all living in very comfortable times and people have forgotten where we came from, humans have gone through multiple hardships, fighting extinction level events several times just in order to survive. The world & society in general is designed the way it is because that is what was required to survive all these years.

Now ask yourself why is that our society designed this way. Why most societies around the world are patriarchal in nature. It couldn’t just be an accident. It’s not like all the leaders around the world sat together and decided “Men will rule and women will follow“. Did men assume the role because they wanted to or was it necessary to survive?

When a feminist shouts at the top of her lungs “Patriarchy should die”. She forgets that the megaphone she is using to express her anger against men came to her thanks to underpaid and unappreciated men working in mines who are risking their lives on a daily basis. Let me bring some stats, over 93 % of the workers working dangerous jobs are men. Men have 10 times higher fatality rates compared to women in these jobs. In 2020 alone, 4,761 men were killed at their workplace, compared to just 386 women in US (source: statista). Where is the EQUALITY here? All these men working in these dangerous jobs are the reason we are sitting comfortably in our homes. The whole societal infrastructure depends on these men who volunteer for these jobs and sadly most of them are not sufficiently compensated.

There is a deeper layer to this whole thing. Let’s first make a very controversial statement “Men and Women are NOT Equal“. Fucking STOP living in your Utopian dreamland where everything bad doesn’t exist. Nature inherently is brutal and doesn’t CARE if you exist or not. You and me are like tiny specs in the grand scheme of things. Equality is the most bullshit utopian concept, it’s irrelevant in the world we live in.

Let’s talk some real recent scenario. Ukraine was brutally invaded by Russia and as a result of war there were many casualities. Lots of people died, both civilians and armed forces. While looking at the death numbers, something stood out to me. Out of the all the civilian casualities, more than 60% were Males. Why is that? Where is the equality in death toll? Men and Women are EQUAL right. Also, I am just taking into considerations civilian deaths. If i take into account civilians and armed forces, the numbers tilt more towards 80% of male casualities. Don’t forget this important fact, Ukraine has more Female population than Male so death toll doesn’t necessarily correlate with population.

You could argue, more men died during the invasion because it’s natural for the Men to protect their family and in turn they end up getting killed in the frontier. Why is that when shit hits the fan, Women who are supposedly EQUAL to Men take a back seat. The reality is Man’s life is not EQUAL to a Woman. It has never been EQUAL and it will NEVER be. Men have always been expendable and that’s the brutal truth in a man’s life.

This goes back to thousand years ago when we used to live in tribes. No matter if you have hundread men in a tribe, it can’t grow unless there is atleast one woman who can birth future offsprings. Women inherently are bestowed by the greatest gift from god. You need just one Women to start a civilization. For this reason alone, Woman’s life has always been more important than a Man. There is no EQUALITY period!

Now coming down to why the society developed with Men at the realm or as the Tribe leaders when women inherently have more value than any man in the tribe. All systems in nature are designed for survival first. Mitochondria in a cell does everything it can to make sure the cell survives. Our body does everything in its power to survive by killing viruses and parasites. Anyone who has fasted knows what i am talking about, when you do water fast for more than 3 days your body starts killing dead cells and cancer cells. Your BODY knows how to SURVIVE!

Now when it comes to tribe dynamics, you can’t put a women at the realm of the tribe no matter how important her survival is because her most important resource that is “ability to birth” is useless if she is dead. That’s why men since thousands of years have been at the realm and protecting the most important resource in their tribe i.e WOMEN. Now naturally when you are the protector, you start having some level of control over the tribe. That’s why almost all tribes are patriarchal in nature. The societies became patriarchal not as a way to exude control over women but for survival.

When a FEMINIST cries for equality she conveniently forgets the fact, Men don’t have it easy either. World has never been EQUAL for them. A man’s value has always been synonymous with what he brings to the table. Most women wanna marry a guy higher up their social status that’s their biology telling them to secure their future offspring by marrying a guy with more resources also known as Hypergamy. If Hypergamy has its way, most men who don’t rank anywhere in the social ladder are destined to die alone or live a life unnoticed and unloved. Only Women, Children and dogs are loved unconditionally, man is loved on the condition that he provides something.  EQUALITY doesn’t exist PERIOD. Stop been a bitch and just deal with life as it is. Life isn’t fair. It has never been FAIR for guys, it will never be fair for you. 

Moreover SEXISM isn’t a problem for FEMINISTS when it gets them privileges just for been a Woman. Ladies Night is a concept all of us are well aware of, where women basically get free drinks and treated like literal queens. An average woman inherently enjoys more social acceptance than any man ever could in current times. Men have to work hard for social acceptance and don’t get to climb the social hierarchy like the way most women can.

The biggest claim that FEMINISTS have against Patriarchy is that Men get more privileges and rights solely on the basis of their sex. They make it seem like men are getting privileges without the associated responsibilities. That men are flooded with riches, opportunities and power just because they are men. If this was all true why is that in 2020, 7 in 10 who committed suicide were men (source: Statista). these numbers are synonymous across most countries. If Men all across the world are so privileged why are they committing suicides? Why is there no Equality in suicide numbers?

I can go on an on about reasons but let me sum it up by an old adage – “With great power comes great responsibility“. Men have always been the head of households, bread earners, protectors as the nature assigned those roles to them millions of years ago. They didn’t have a choice, these roles was assigned to them without their consent. You can say its UNFAIR but i would say its LIFE. Some people end up getting crushed under the burden of these responsibilities but that’s how NATURE works.

When you argue about EQUALITY you forget what you are asking is to reverse the gender roles. Men biologically can never birth a child. It’s impossible! Hence they can never leave the role of protector which has been assigned to them by nature. And yes you do see many single moms raising kids but again i am pretty sure it isn’t by their own choice. All the most stable and healthy families you will be see, Men and Women usually come together and fullfill their respective responsibilities. If FEMINISTS have to criticize men for something, they should criticize them for not taking responsibility. Nature loves equalibrium, if Men don’t stand up and take their role seriously women eventually will have to fill in their shoes. So FUCK EQUALITY and Let’s start talking about RESPONSIBILITY.

About the author

I am really good at making complex things sound simple. Started as an App Developer, turned into a Business Guy but always being an Entrepreneur.