“If I see it in my mind, I am gonna hold it in my hand”

Daily Visualization Practice (DVP) is something I have been doing since I watched a video by Tony Robbins. Somehow this exercise resonated with me a lot and has been with me since then. To give you a stripped down fast food (sic) version of what this exercise is ‘what you basically gonna be doing is write your goals in your notebook daily as if you have already achieved them’. I will explain you the logic of why something like this could actually help you achieve your goals faster.

Have you heard the quote “You get what you deserve”?, that quote has one flaw to it, let me change it to what it actually means “You get what you ‘THINK’ you deserve”. What’s the difference you may ask, there are tons my friend! Let me take you deep down the rabbit hole, get ready for the ride. Murphy said ”The law of your mind is the law of belief itself”, What we believe makes us who we are. Whatever you give your subconscious – false or true, good or evil – it will register as a fact. William James observed that whatever people expect to be true, will be so, irrespective of whether the object of their belief exists or not.

Now, it would be fair to say that, whatever your subconscious ‘thinks’ about your ‘reality’ (sic) will become your ‘reality’ eventually. Thus it becomes increasingly important to learn how to program your subconscious so that you can have some control (‘some’ because whatever you do many factors are beyond your control and you would never be able to factor them in) over your future life. During my research, I got to know there are some really specific ways to train your subconscious.

I will mention 2 of them here: First, ‘Positive Reaffirmations’ – Practice of enchanting things that you want to be true in your life for e.g, somebody would enchant “I am a famous guitarist and play in a world-famous rock band” multiple times and train his subconscious to believe it is true thus making it a reality for him sometime in future. Second, Positive Writings i.e somebody would write “I work as a freelance writer and make tons of money doing it”. Now with both these exercises your desired ‘reality’ and actual ‘reality’ might not coincide, which is perfectly normal. I was doing ‘positive writings’ for 6 months before they actually became a ‘reality’. For some, it could be faster, for some, it might take years but trust me, its gonna happen.

I hope everything is making sense to you now. Subconscious programming or reprogramming is not a new field and many books have been written about the subject. I would suggest you, read The Power of Subconscious Mind if you want to delve deeper into this subject. The Power of Your Subconscious Mind is simply written and tries to be free of culture or religion. It is slightly repetitive, but this in itself mirrors the book’s idea of subconscious programming. (For full effect, the author’s advice that it be read at least twice should be taken.) The first half of the book is the best, as it explains how the subconscious works. The second half deals with its role and power to transform in areas like marriage, human relations, scientific discovery, sleep, fear, forgiveness and ‘eternal youth’.

So we are done for the day, I could go on and on about how this exercise will be really good for you but nothing good comes out of theory. I would like you to personally give this exercise a go and see if it changes your life for good. I am 100% positive it should. Anyways, Have a great day, Until next time!

About the author

I am really good at making complex things sound simple. Started as an App Developer, turned into a Business Guy but always being an Entrepreneur.