Why society don’t want you to be an Alpha Male

The most important trait of a leader or an Alpha is selflessness i.e trait of looking out for others before looking out for himself.

Taking a cue from our history

Alphas are not born, they are chosen. They are chosen because they display a sense of selflessness much higher than any other person in the tribe.

Now, what it means to be a true alpha. 

All the alphas share some common traits, these are the ones i see in me and other alphas I know

  1. Purposeful: Alphas always have a purpose, usually the purpose aligns with the common interest of the tribe. So in a way tribe is intentionally handing the control to an alpha.
  1. Authority: Alphas exude authority wherever they go. They have an aura around themselves, when they enter the room, you know, they mean business. Other alphas will already feel threatened cause they think their territory is in danger.
  1. Ownership: As a true Alpha, you should be the first to apologise if you make a mistake. People who say, apologising makes you seem weak don’t know shit about social dynamics. It all depends on the frame you come from, when alphas apologise, their frame is “I know I messed up but don’t worry I will fix this shit!”
  1. Effortless: Everything an Alpha does seems effortless, its not because they don’t mess up, its because how they handle the situation when they mess up. Contrary to the popular belief, alphas don’t take themselves seriously, they know they are human and will mess up sometime, they give themselves permission to fail.
  1. Grounded: There are very less things that will shake the confidence of the alpha, cause his confidence comes from the deep belief that he can fix whatever life throws at him. This confidence is a direct result of his life experiences and his strong mindset.

Now Alpha is a gender neutral term, there can be female alphas just as there are male alphas.

In our society the reason so many people are miserable is they are essentially living a beta lifestyle. They are passive and don’t want to challenge the norms. They will keep on thinking world is unfair to them and will always have somebody to blame.

Cool do that, that’s what society wants from you, they want people to follow the social norms without challenging them. This way the people who are at the top of the social hierarchy will keep on exercising their control and bending the world to their will.

If only you knew it’s mostly a decision, nobody is born with an alpha gene. At some point, you just decide that you want to take back control of your life.

Be an ALPHA, stand up for what you believe in, disrupt patters, change shit, don’t be a passive little bitch crying in the corner thinking world is unfair!

About the author

I am really good at making complex things sound simple. Started as an App Developer, turned into a Business Guy but always being an Entrepreneur.